Tag Archives: Jack Glover

If The World Hates You …

By Jack Glover Those who serve Christ must continue to live on this physical ball we call the world, even though living here we are instructed to not conform to worldly practices (Rom. 12:2). We are in the world but … Continue reading

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By Jack Glover Jesus used the word hypocrisy often. He used it in reference to the scribes and Pharisees as recorded in Matthew 23 for several of their doctrines and actions. They were deceptive to the point of not only … Continue reading

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Civil Government And Evil

By Jack Glover In speaking of the Christian’s obligation to government, we often quote Rom. 13:1. “Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are … Continue reading

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Godly Or Ungodly

By Jack Glover How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of … Continue reading

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Admonitions And Incentives

By Jack Glover Why do we need to obey commandments from God? Most importantly, because God, as creator of heaven and earth, has the right to require certain things of His creation. In spite of our attitude toward God, no … Continue reading

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Name The Church

By Jack Glover Christ’s church has a name. I drove past a church building this morning that had no name. Oh, it had some sort of directional name, like the Northside Church or something of that fashion, but that doesn’t … Continue reading

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The Hip-Hop Church

By Jack Glover Many efforts have been made to make the church fit what man wants instead of man complying with what God wants. At present I’m in Memphis, Tenn., and on yesterday’s local news much was being said about … Continue reading

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What Is Truth?

By Jack Glover What is truth? It seems that is a good question to ask because trust does not abound in our society. Our government is full of men who have made us question the validity of what they say. … Continue reading

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Do You Justify Sin?

By Jack Glover Jesus made the following accusation against the Pharisees: “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God” (Luke … Continue reading

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‘The Book Of Daniel’

By Jack Glover UPDATE, Jan. 31: It’s gone! NBC has announced that after three episodes, “The Book of Daniel has been cancelled. The main reason seems to be the rejection of the show by sponsors, as well as some NBC … Continue reading

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