Tag Archives: Jack Glover

Jesus Said

By Jack Glover Jesus said, “Are you still lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that everything that goes into the mouth passes into the stomach, and is eliminated? 18 But the things that proceed out of the mouth … Continue reading

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The Economy And The Bible

By Jack Glover It would be an understatement to say the economy is not good. Most of us know things are not well in our nation in more ways than one. The job losses are tremendous. Some who have worked … Continue reading

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The Election Is Over

By Jack Glover The longest presidential election campaign in history is finally over, and we soon will have a new president taking office. Over the centuries God’s people have lived under about every type of government imaginable. Some were good, … Continue reading

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Politics And Religion

By Jack Glover Jesus was not a politician, although he would have been a good one, especially when it came to answering hard and tricky questions. Look at the ways He dealt with the questions asked by the scribes and … Continue reading

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Going To Heaven

By Jack Glover Do you think much about heaven? We all know, in spite of medical miracles, life passes quickly. Job said of man: “Like a flower he comes forth and withers. He also flees like a shadow and does … Continue reading

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The Price Of Sin

By Jack Glover From the beginning of time, the cost of sin has been high. It cost Adam and Eve the right to the tree of life (Gen. 3:24). It cost Israel the lives of all those over 20 their … Continue reading

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Tis The Season Without Reason

By Jack Glover They call it Black Friday. It’s a day when many seem to transition from one holiday season to another. Many find it exhilarating to get up very early and join the crowds fighting for bargains. Some lose … Continue reading

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By Jack Glover It is evident that we have different attitudes toward sin. Actions that at one time were considered sinful are now readily accepted. Why the change? Do we have the authority to decide what is sinful? If so, … Continue reading

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Salvation In 30 Sincere Seconds

By Jack Glover Yesterday, while watching a parade, I noticed a lady circulating through the crowd and passing out something. After much time had passed (long parade), I felt a tap on my shoulder, and the lady handed me a … Continue reading

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By Jack Glover God created the family (Genesis 1-2). He created man and then woman as a “help meet” (suitable) for him. Then came the instruction to be fruitful and multiply to replenish the earth. The family is to be … Continue reading

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