This directory will point you toward the writings of Jeff Asher, Don Martin, Doy Moyer, Forrest D. Moyer, David Padfield, Joe Price, David Webb and other evangelists. This page also includes articles about specific topics.
Audio/Video Studies
Listen to sermons from various speakers and congregations; watch brief YouTube videos about Bible topics; enjoy a capella singing; and find the live streams of local churches.
Commentaries share the uninspired reflections of fallible men who often approach the Bible with preconceived and wrong ideas, but these commentaries can provide useful insights for wary Bible students. Head here for links to commentaries by John Calvin, Alexander Campbell, Matthew Henry, Barton W. Johnson, J.W. McGarvey and other religious leaders of Christendom.
People these days tend to pick Facebook fights or engage in Twitter tirades about religion rather than debate issues at length, in person or in writing, but it wasn’t always so. People used to settle their religious differences (or not) on everything from baptism and indwelling of the Holy Spirit to marriage and the role of women in the church. Recurring debaters include Jeff Asher, Patrick Donahue and David Padfield.
The information age has been a boon for religious publishers, whether they are producing books, magazines, websites or other content. The Internet also has widened the audience for church bulletins and articles, as well as old-fashioned Bible correspondence courses.
Questions & Answers
Got a questions about the Bible? You may find the answer you need in this collection of websites geared toward seekers of the truth.
Evangelists looking for inspiration can peruse the abundant offerings here to get their creative juices flowing. The collection of chart sermons, also known as “bedsheet sermons,” is full of outlines that predate PowerPoint and overhead transparencies. And there’s a collection of J.W. McGarvey outlines.
Special Topics
Abortion, instrumental music, marriage and divorce — you name it and serious students of the Bible have written about it. This clearinghouse to select topics will continue to grow as we find new articles and topics.