Tag Archives: Jack Glover

I’m Trying To Understand

By Jack Glover Some things in this life are confusing. It is not uncommon for me to see some TV commercial and, when it is finished, ask someone if they understood the point being made. Well, I must admit that … Continue reading

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Just Another Headline

By Jack Glover It seems that about every day we are bombarded with headlines about homosexual marriages, homosexual rights, etc. In today’s news we see that the United Church of Christ has accepted same-sex marriage and encouraged its member congregations … Continue reading

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In Christ

By Jack Glover The words “in Christ” appear together numerous times in the New Testament. Depending on the context, they refer to various actions or descriptions. Of all the uses, the most important fact to learn is that none of … Continue reading

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Who Was The First Gentile Convert?

By Jack Glover We all made it back from Guatemala safely thanks to the mercy of God. It was nice to be able to attend Bible study at Centreville, Va., on Wednesday evening. An interesting question came up in Bible … Continue reading

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Jesus And The Pope

By Jack Glover There can be no doubt that the late Pope John Paul II was a good person, devoted to doing things for the betterment of mankind. The Bible tells us that Jesus was also a good man who … Continue reading

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How Is Your Hearing?

By Jack Glover As He said these things, He would call out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Luke 8:8) Every part of the human body has a purpose. The ear is the part that allows us … Continue reading

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Do I Have To Obey God?

By Jack Glover At a time when the world has gone mad in its desire for sin, and each person is doing his own thing, let us consider the above question. Pharaoh asked Moses “Who is the LORD, that I … Continue reading

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Does God Have A Plan Of Salvation?

This is the excerpt for your very first post. Continue reading

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About Persecution

By Jack Glover Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable. For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward God … Continue reading

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Another Year

By Jack Glover I’m not certain, but I don’t think I have ever made a New Year’s resolution. Many do make them, but few keep them. It seems that the end of the year causes us to reflect on our … Continue reading

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