What Is Truth?

By Jack Glover

What is truth? It seems that is a good question to ask because trust does not abound in our society.

Our government is full of men who have made us question the validity of what they say. We are forced to question our leaders, from the local level to federal level. Corporations are not trusted to give accurate information concerning their products or accounting. Distrust exists among families — between wives and husbands, and between children and parents. The divorce rate continues to increase; drugs and alcohol replace love of family; and we try to solve all of our problems with pills.

Among all this there remains one trustworthy standard. When Jesus was asked “What is truth?”, the answer rang clear from His lips: “Thy word is truth” (John 17:17).

In spite of the fact that many times it is taught falsely, or misinterpreted, the fact remains that the truth still exists. It is there for all to find who sincerely want it. We remain firmly convinced that God’s truth is present for all to find and apply in their actions or decisions in this life.

When it looks as if there is no one to trust, let God show you the way through His word.

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