
Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary
Dictionary of Theology
Easton’s Bible Dictionary
Hitchcock’s Bible Names Dictionary
Smith’s Bible Dictionary
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Dictionary of Symbolism
Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus
RhymeZone (for all of you poets out there)
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome
Your Dictionary

Disclaimer: A listing on this website is not an endorsement of the content as containing truth. Readers should always compare the words of men to the scriptures.

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Catholic Encyclopedia
Christadelphian Topical Bible
Encyclopedia Mythica
Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism
Encyclopedia of Pentecostal History
Encyclopedia of Pentecostal Ministries and Preachers
Grace Notes: Training in Bible Teaching
Nave’s Topical Bible
Torrey’s New Topical Textbook
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

Encyclopedia Smithsonian

Disclaimer: A listing on this website is not an endorsement of the content as containing truth. Readers should always compare the words of men to the scriptures.

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Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
Greek New Testament
An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon (by Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott)
Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek-English Lexicon (different from above)
New Testament Greek
New Testament Greek Lexicon (available in King James and New American Standard versions, good source for word searches tied to Strong’s numbers)
Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon (available in King James and New American Standard versions, good source for word searches tied to Strong’s numbers)

Ancient Greek Language: A Critical Survey of Websites

Disclaimer: A listing on this website is not an endorsement of the content as containing truth. Readers should always compare the words of men to the scriptures.

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NTmap_jesus_childhoodBible Atlas Online
The Access Foundation makes this series of maps from Bible times available for use in individual and group Bible studies. The maps fall into one of three categories — the Bible setting, the Old Testament era and the New Testament era.

Bible Class Atlases
These maps from Terry Taylor at eBibleTeacher are organized into four categories — overall, New Testament, Old Testament and modern times.
Bible Maps, Charts and Timelines
The Bible-centered maps available here are supplemented by maps of the world and world empires, as well as textual details about the maps. The site also features biblical genealogies and charts that compare the change in lifespans during Bible times.

The Cerographic Bible Atlas
wilderness_wandering_mapThe Sidney E. Morse & Co. published the five maps in this collection in 1844 as a quarterly supplement to the New York Observer. The maps are printed in color, with outlines to highlight certain areas. The topics are countries in the Bible, Israel’s wilderness wanderings, Palestine and the plan of Jerusalem.

Interactive Bible
directory_NTchurchesWork your way through the Bible story with visual aids that cover: the conquest years of Joshua; the united kingdom of Israel under Saul, David and Solomon; the divided kingdoms and Israel and Judah; the ministry of Jesus; the missionary journeys of the apostle Paul; and more. This collection includes maps, diagrams, charts, timelines and plenty of textual background.

Palestine in the Time of Jesus
The Library of Congress created an interactive version of a 1912 map of Palestine from 4 B.C. to 30 A.D. Viewers can zoom in to specific regions or locations. Old Testament scholar Charles Foster Kent, the founding president of the American Academy of Religion, contributed the map.

Rose Publishing
maps_paul2The image library at the website of the Blue Letter Bible includes maps and charts from Rose Publishing, which designed the illustrations for individuals, churches, small groups and schools to use in their studies and lesson plans.

Other Map Resources
Bible Land Maps

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The Christian Chronicle
An Oklahoma nonprofit affiliated with Oklahoma Christian University publishes this newspaper, which includes religious news and opinion. It is not a teaching or doctrinal publication. All trustees, editors and staff are active members of churches of Christ.

Christian Courier
Wayne Jackson and the East Main Church of Christ launched the Courier in May 1964 and began supplementing the print publication with an online edition in 1998. Articles from both publications eventually are published online.

Christian Standard
Founded in 1866, this magazine publishes 12 times a year and bills itself as “the principal magazine connecting [Christian churches] in the far-flung, nondenominational fellowship whose congregations are usually known as Christian Churches or Churches of Christ.”

Focus Online
Focus Online came into being when the editors of Christianity Magazine and Focus Magazine joined forces. The site includes current issues of the new publication and past issues of the two previous magazines.

Gospel Advocate
Published since 1855, the modern version of the Advocate includes “in-depth articles about doctrinal issues, counseling, evangelization and being a Christian in today’s world.” Gregory Alan Tidwell is the editor.

Gospel Anchor
Originally published in print from September 1974 to August 1994, the Anchor moved online a few years later. Gene Frost served as the editor, and the roster of writers included Jere Frost, James P. Needham, Harry Osborne, Dudley Ross Spears and Kenneth E. Thomas, among others.

Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore and Rodney Nulph describe their publication as being geared toward “an international readership with the Old Jerusalem Gospel.” The site includes PDF archives of The Voice of Truth International.

The Instructor
The Albertville church of Christ published this bulletin from 1964 to 2012. “It is our intention to do what we can to instruct others by means of this periodical,” the first issue said. “It is not our desire to ‘tell someone off or to ‘offend’ anyone. We have no personal ‘axe to grind’ with anyone. Our primary interest is in knowing and teaching others the truth which is able to make us free.”

Moyer Press
Preachers Doy and Luke Moyer, who are father and son, share an online home at Moyer Press. The centerpiece is a monthly online magazine that continued their previous Mind Your Faith brand. The connected Sanctify Christ blog includes select writings of Forrest Moyer from an earlier generation in this family of preachers. The Moyers’ other writing is available on the websites of the Stanley Avenue and Vestavia churches of Christ and at The Bible Word, a project by Luke Moyer.

Truth Magazine
Published by the Guardian of Truth Foundation, Truth Magazine debuted in 1956, changed its name to Guardian of Truth in 1981 and reverted to the original name in 1999. The publication merged with Searching the Scripture in 1992. Most of the archived issues from 1956 through 2007 are available for free at the website. Later issues require a subscription.
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Questions & Answers

Bible Questions
questions-answersThe mission of this website, managed by the Holly Street church of Christ in Denver, is to provide “Bible-based answers to your Bible-based questions.” Visitors can submit questions and get personalized answers, or they can find prepared answers, sermons, lessons and other materials about specific topics.

The Bible Speaks
This website, compiled by Richie and Lonette White, addresses an array of topics in scripture-by-scripture tables. The broad categories range from authority and baptism to false teachings and salvation, with narrower topics incorporated into each category. Within the baptism category, for instance, students can see examples of water baptism in the Bible, learn about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and more.

Short Answers to Tough Questions
Do you think the world is coming to an end very soon? Will the United States fall before Jesus returns? What does the Bible say about abortion? How can we know the Bible is really the word of God? Is evolution totally wrong? Get short answers to these compelling modern-day questions and plenty of others.

Short Essays on Various Bible Topics
This collection of more than 50 articles by David J. Riggs, via the Oak Ridge church of Christ in Knoxville, Tenn., includes a series of articles about the church’s authority to provide “fellowship meals. Riggs also tackles topics like divorce, homosexuality, instrumental music and gossip. One short essay cites scriptures to answer questions such as “How does Jesus speak to us today?” and “Will good people of all churches be saved?”

Study the Bible
A congregation in Tennessee created this website as a way for people to ask what is on their mind as the questions relate to biblical principles. The website organizes the reader questions and the subsequent answers into dozens of categories. Examples include angels, Christmas, dancing, gambling, miracles, repentance, sin and Bible words.

If we can help you with a Bible question, please e-mail us at aircongress@gmail.com.

Disclaimer: A listing on this website is not an endorsement of the content as containing truth. Readers should always compare the words of men to the scriptures.

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Research Tools

Bible Research
Biblical Hermeneutics
Book of Mormon
Catechisms, Confessions and Creeds
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Christian Library
Creeds of Christendom
Dead Sea Scrolls
Internet Christian Library
Old Testament Life and Literature
Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
Synopsis to the Books of the Bible
The Temple: Its Ministry and Services

Christian Catacombs of Rome
The Best of Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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Bible Answers
Preachers will find plenty of sermon fodder at this website. It includes outlines for: 1) textual sermons that are based on select New Testament passages; 2) topical sermons on Christian living, doctrinal issues, the church, etc.; 3) and special topics from religious unity to marriage and divorce. The site also includes sermon audio files and PowerPoint presentations by Joe Price and other preachers.

Credit: Mark Copeland, ExecutableOutlines.com

Credit: Mark Copeland, ExecutableOutlines.com

Chart Sermons
As Mark Copeland says at Executable Outlines, before preachers had PowerPoint presentations or overhead transparencies, they used hand-painted charts as visual aids for their sermons. Some people called these works or spiritual art “bedsheet sermons.” Copeland shared 299 of them created by his father-in-law, Steve Hudgins. Peruse the rest of the website for hundreds of other sermon helps, such as textual and topical outlines and PowerPoint files.

Electronic Gospel
Jeff S. Smith shared these fully developed outlines with the goal of fostering personal Bible study and helping young preachers or men who preach occasionally by appointment. Each outline comes with an audio recording of the sermon being delivered.

Focus on God
If you’re looking for sermon outlines that track the Bible from beginning to end, Jim Davis’ website is the place to go. The scriptural index organizes 565 of his sermons, preached between 1998 and 2012, by the primary passages in the sermons. Davis also has authored themed sermons on family, marriage, prayer, Christ’s coming, the Ten Commandments and other topics.

J.W. McGarvey Collection
The Lexington Theological Seminary compiled this archive of sermon outlines from one of the American Restoration Movement’s most famous preachers. Each sermon features an outline and the corresponding scanned image of McGarvey’s handwritten notes.
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Lord’s Supper Talks

crown-of-thorns_smallThe primary reason that Christians gather for Sunday worship is identified in a fleeting reference of Acts 2. The plot of that passage is to tell the story of a tragedy-turned-miracle — the resurrection of Eutychus after he fell from a window to his death. Luke, the writer of the book, started the story by noting the time and context of the event. It occurred “on the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread.”

That passage alone provided an apostolic example that saints have followed for more than 2,000 years, as churches around the world partake in the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week. To help brethren appreciate the purpose of that memorial feast, men typically give short talks about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, the purpose of His sacrifice, the prophecies about his life and death, and the biblical accounts of the institution of the Lord’s Supper, among other themes.

This page provides links to such talks, as well as articles and related Bible passages, to help men prepare their thoughts in presiding at the table in their own congregations.

Articles by Bible Study Page
The Greatest Blood Donation of All Time
A Savior of Few Words
Greater Love
Spiritual Symbolism
The Abundant Gifts of Jesus
What to Think During the Lord’s Supper
A Two-Course Meal to Remember Jesus
The Dichotomy of the Lord’s Supper
Remembering Jesus
The Sting of Betrayal

The Lord’s Supper: Do This in Remembrance of Jesus (Don Adair)
Meditations for the Lord’s Supper (John Gibson)
The Purpose of the Lord’s Supper (Brent Kercheville)
Some Thoughts on the Lord’s Supper (Rick Tolbert)
Things to Think Upon During the Lord’s Supper (Jeff May)
Thoughts around the Lord’s Table (Jeff Himmel)
Why Christians Should Take the Lord’s Supper Every Sunday (Jason Cheney)

Laurel Canyon church of Christ
North Terrace church of Christ

Short Talks
Bellaire church of Christ
The Gospel Defender
Gospel Invitations
La Vista church of Christ (Lord’s Supper training class)
Lord’s Supper Table Talks (Ernest Clevenger)
Palm Springs Drive church of Christ

Disclaimer: A listing on this website is not an endorsement of any specific content as containing truth. Readers should always compare the words of men to the scriptures.

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Special Topics

Topical Reference Guide to the Bible
David E. Pratte’s website Gospel Way includes this tool for helping Bible students find the passages that are relevant to specific topics. The listings are alphabetical, covering topics from “abortion” to “wrath.” Look up a word to find scriptures that address the topic, either directly or indirectly.

Collection of abortion essays

Alcohol and Wisdom (Doy Moyer)
Four Reasons I Don’t Drink Alcohol (Wes McAdams)
New Wine and Wineskins (Doy Moyer)

Biblical Authority (Forrest D. Moyer)

The Individual and the Church (David Sims)

Lord’s Supper Meditations (52-week series on why Jesus died for us)

The Eldership
God’s Plan for Eldership in the Church (Banner of Truth)
— Elders: Class Outline and Questions (Brian Yeager)

Fellowship Isn’t Donuts and Coffee
— Unity in Diversity (Part 1 and Part 2)

— What Is Heaven Like? (Part 1 and Part 2)

Instrumental Music
The New Grace-Unity Movement’s Approach To Instrumental Music In Worship
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