
The Christian Chronicle
An Oklahoma nonprofit affiliated with Oklahoma Christian University publishes this newspaper, which includes religious news and opinion. It is not a teaching or doctrinal publication. All trustees, editors and staff are active members of churches of Christ.

Christian Courier
Wayne Jackson and the East Main Church of Christ launched the Courier in May 1964 and began supplementing the print publication with an online edition in 1998. Articles from both publications eventually are published online.

Christian Standard
Founded in 1866, this magazine publishes 12 times a year and bills itself as “the principal magazine connecting [Christian churches] in the far-flung, nondenominational fellowship whose congregations are usually known as Christian Churches or Churches of Christ.”

Focus Online
Focus Online came into being when the editors of Christianity Magazine and Focus Magazine joined forces. The site includes current issues of the new publication and past issues of the two previous magazines.

Gospel Advocate
Published since 1855, the modern version of the Advocate includes “in-depth articles about doctrinal issues, counseling, evangelization and being a Christian in today’s world.” Gregory Alan Tidwell is the editor.

Gospel Anchor
Originally published in print from September 1974 to August 1994, the Anchor moved online a few years later. Gene Frost served as the editor, and the roster of writers included Jere Frost, James P. Needham, Harry Osborne, Dudley Ross Spears and Kenneth E. Thomas, among others.

Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore and Rodney Nulph describe their publication as being geared toward “an international readership with the Old Jerusalem Gospel.” The site includes PDF archives of The Voice of Truth International.

The Instructor
The Albertville church of Christ published this bulletin from 1964 to 2012. “It is our intention to do what we can to instruct others by means of this periodical,” the first issue said. “It is not our desire to ‘tell someone off or to ‘offend’ anyone. We have no personal ‘axe to grind’ with anyone. Our primary interest is in knowing and teaching others the truth which is able to make us free.”

Moyer Press
Preachers Doy and Luke Moyer, who are father and son, share an online home at Moyer Press. The centerpiece is a monthly online magazine that continued their previous Mind Your Faith brand. The connected Sanctify Christ blog includes select writings of Forrest Moyer from an earlier generation in this family of preachers. The Moyers’ other writing is available on the websites of the Stanley Avenue and Vestavia churches of Christ and at The Bible Word, a project by Luke Moyer.

Truth Magazine
Published by the Guardian of Truth Foundation, Truth Magazine debuted in 1956, changed its name to Guardian of Truth in 1981 and reverted to the original name in 1999. The publication merged with Searching the Scripture in 1992. Most of the archived issues from 1956 through 2007 are available for free at the website. Later issues require a subscription.

Watchman Magazine
Stan Cox first published the magazine from 1998 through 2005, with Tom Roberts and Larry Fain serving as associate editors. Cox resumed his editor’s role in 2010 but now has a new slate of writers, who generally self-edit and publish on their own schedules, like bloggers.

The Bible Banner
Tim Haile created the Banner to “for the posting of religious articles, materials and sermon charts,” as well as occasional exchanges or written debates.

The Bible Word
What is the Bible? Luke Moyer answers that question and many more at his website. In methodical fashion, he details the history, writing, compilation and translation of what became The Holy Bible that we know today. His website also features a series of six articles explaining the Bible message and synopsis of the Bible.

Does God Exist?
Former atheist John Clayton, a retired physics, chemistry and earth science instructor, created this site to show that science and and faith are friends, not enemies. “This is not a creationist site defending a doctrinal stance, nor is it seeking debate,” he says. “Our material is practical and designed to answer questions.”

Truth Factor
John Duvall, currently the preacher for the Seminole Pointe church of Christ, started Truth Factor in 1999. He and other writers published content for about six years. Duvall revived the site in 2012 to host a weekly online Bible study called Truth Factor Discussion.

Words of Truth
This website collection by Brian A. Yeager includes articles, audio sermons, class and sermon materials and a Bible study course, among other content.

Other websites:
Herald of Truth
Truth for the World

Church Bulletins and Articles
Banner of the Cross (Morgantown, Kentucky)
Centerville Bulletin (Centerville, Florida)
The Centreville Journal (Centreville, Virginia)
The Gospel Power (Anderson, Alabama)
The Milpitas Messenger (California)
The Religious Instructor, plus archived bulletin articles (Brunswick, Georgia)
The Spirit’s Sword (Bellingham, Washington)
Vestavia Bulletin (Birmingham, Alabama)
Westside Bulletin (Irving, Texas)
Zion Bulletin (Zion, Illinois)

New Testament Greek (Jeff Smelser)

Correspondence Courses
Bible Study Lessons
Bible Truths Online Study Course
Jesus Christ Is the Way
Know Your Bible
Online Bible Study Lessons
Truth for the World

Religious Books
Baker Publishing Group
DeWard Publishing Company
Faith and Facts Bookstore
Florida College Bookstore
Florida School of Preaching
Gospel Advocate
Gospel Armory Publishing
Lambert Book House
Spiritbuilding Publishers
Star Bible
Thomas Nelson
Zondervan Publishing House

Bible Tracts and Charts
Index of Bible Tracts
International Bible Studies Tract Rack
Vestavia church of Christ

Disclaimer: Books, magazines, websites and other materials written by uninspired men must be compared with the scriptures for correctness (I John 4:1). Some of these publications may expound doctrines you question. They are included to make accessible what various brethren teach so that you may be informed and better prepared to “try the spirits.” Truth has no fear of investigation.

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