Coronavirus Lessons To Learn

The Bible’s relevance to mankind has never been more obvious in modern times than it has as coronavirus has spread around the world early this year.

As the apostle Peter said: “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.” (II Pet. 1:3-4)

One gauge of the applicability of God’s Word to our current circumstances is the sheer number of sermons that evangelists have preached the past few weeks. Preachers and other brethren in churches of Christ have been just as prolific in writing about the virus from a spiritual perspective. Here is a work-in-progress list of articles from church websites, preachers’ blogs and Facebook posts:

Anxiety & Fear
Choosing Faith over Fear (Ken Weliever)
Courage in a Fearful World (Randall Jarrell)
Dealing with Fear (David Flatt)
Dealing with Fear (Dan Petty)
Finding Peace (Bill Beebe)
How to Feel Peace When Plagued with Problems (Ken Weliever)
Keep Calm (Ken Weliever)
Panic Versus Preparation (Doy Moyer)
Should Christians Be Anxious about the Coronavirus? (Todd Wagner)

Character Traits
10 Things Coronavirus Cannot Do (Ken Weliever)
Be Patient (Ken Weliever)
COVID-19 and Faith (Don Wright)
Compassion and Principle (Doy Moyer)
Coronavirus and Human Limitations (Matthew Bassford)
Developing Patience (Carl Witty)
Flattening the Curve (Stan Cox)
From the Son of Thunder to the Apostle of Love (Stan Cox)
Good Judgment (Ken Weliever)
How to Act, Speak and Respond Reasonably (Ken Weliever)
The Power of Patience (Stan Cox)
Prudence (Ken Weliever)
Show Kindness and Mercy to One Another (Stan Cox)
Who Is Responsible? (Stan Cox)

Christian Perspective
10 Suggestions for Homebound Christians (Ken Weliever)
‘An Abundance of Caution’ (Adam Litmer)
‘According to What You Have’ (Doy Moyer)
Ancient Advice for Our Current Crisis (Ken Weliever)
Anticipation (Ken Weliever)
Back to Normal (Alan Williamson)
Be Thankful (Terry McCall)
Censorship (Doy Moyer)
A Challenge: Read the Entire New Testament (Stan Cox)
Confronting Mortality (Gary Fisher)
Continue Earnestly in Prayer (Stan Cox)
The Compassionate Response to Coronavirus (Oscar Velazquez)
Discipleship in Uneasy Times (Bradley church of Christ)
Do All Things without Complaining (Stan Cox)
‘Don’t Make Government Your God!’ (Matthew Bassford)
For What Is Your Life? (Stan Cox)
It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming: Dispelling Darkness (Ken Weliever)
Law, Liberty and License (Ken Weliever)
It’s Time to Practice Our Religion (Stan Cox)
Learning from Difficulty (Kevin Harrington)
Life Is Precious (Doy Moyer)
Making Plans (Ken Weliever)
Meditate on the Good (Stan Cox)
Mr. Lonely (Stan Cox)
Opportunity in Crisis (Gary Fisher)
A Passage to Ponder: Luke 18:1-18 (Ken Weliever)
People Are Not Numbers (Doy Moyer)
People Helping People (Ken Weliever)
Perspective (Don Hooton)
Perspective (Jim Jonas)
Praying for Wisdom (Doy Moyer)
Preparing for COVID-19 (Mickey Galloway)
The Real Dangers of Coronavirus (Gary Fisher)
Selective Regard for Human Life (Jim Jonas)
Stop and Smell the Roses (Greg Kiel)
The Trouble with Brooding (Stan Cox)
Wash Your Hands! (Frank Himmel)
When Plans Fail (Eric Hamilton)
Lessons from Philippians 4 (Doy Moyer)
Remembering (Stan Cox)
Smooth Sailing! (Derrick Victor)
Thankfulness in a Pandemic (Nathan Combs)
Thinking about Freedom (Doy Moyer)
What Should Christians Do in a Global Pandemic? (Max Dawson)

The Church
All the More (Michael McLemore)
Biblical Warrant for Isolation (Doy Moyer)
The Church Is Still the Church (Doy Moyer)
Discipleship (Ken Weliever)
Divisive Attitudes in Distressing Times (Doy Moyer)
Do You Miss Your Brethren? (Stan Cox)
Empathy for Shut-ins (Doy Moyer)
Face to Face (R.J. Evans)
The Importance of a Conscience (Doy Moyer)
The Importance of Giving (Don Wright)
In Case of Spiritual Emergency (Kevin Harrington)
Life Is God’s Gift (Doy Moyer)
Meeting Urgent Needs (Oscar Velazquez)
Patience, Love and Kindness Among Brethren (Doy Moyer)
The Patternists: What NOT to Do in These Unique Times (Stan Cox)
Remember All of the ‘Prisoners in Their Homes’ (David Osteen)
Training Our Kids During Isolation (Matthew Bassford)
The Use of the Word ‘Church’ (Micky Galloway)
We’re All in This Together – Or Are We? (Ken Weliever)
Why Congregational Autonomy Is Important Now (Doy Moyer)

Extraordinary Times
10 Bible Admonitions to Encourage Us (Ken Weliever)
Are We Too Preoccupied? (Stan Cox)
‘As Each Day Requires’ (Chris Simmons)
Beating Cabin Fever (Brad Tolbert)
The Best and the Worse in People (Doy Moyer)
Chinks in Our Spiritual Armor (Gary Fisher)
Coping with Loneliness (David Cox)
How Christians Can Cope with Coronavirus Concerns (Pressing On)
How Paul Responded to Adverse Circumstances (Dan Petty)
How Will the Quarantine Change Us? (Hillside church of Christ)
Isolation … It Could Be Worse (Kevin Harrington)
Life in the Time of Corona (Scott Long)
Misunderstood Passages (Gary Fisher)
The Mob Mentality (Stan Cox)
National Day of Prayer 2020 (Ken Weliever)
The ‘New Normal’ (Paul Mowrer)
Our Unique Situation (David Posey)
Practical Concerns in a Pandemic (Gary Fisher)
A Prayer for Our Nation (Chris Simmons)
Praying Even More (Scott Black)
A Present Distress (Doy Moyer)
Processing a Pandemic (Stan Cox)
Social Distancing (Wayne Goff)
Stop and Smell the Roses (Greg Kiel)
This, Too, Shall Pass (Ken Weliever)
Times of Discord! (Brad Tolbert)
Trauma and COVID-19 (Bryan Nash)
Truth as Collateral Damage (Doy Moyer)
Two or Three (Bill Beebe)
Unprecedented Uncertainty (Michael McLemore)
The Unpredictability of Life (Jim Jonas)
When We Don’t Know Why (Doy Moyer)

God & Jesus
Are We Trusting God or Testing God? (Doy Moyer)
God Is Our Refuge and Strength (Stan Cox)
God, Our Stronghold (Matthew Bassford)
I Guess God Is Needed After All (Stan Cox)
How to Know God (Stan Cox)
Lessons from the Storm (Mike Osnes)
More Than Conquerors (Matthew Bassford)
My Understanding Returned to Me (Stan Cox)
Preparing for Your Jericho (Nathan Lee and Eric Wallace)
Seeing the Unseen (Ken Weliever)
Serving God Consciously (Jim Jonas)
Strengthen Yourself in the Lord (Steven Bockmiller)
Trust God, But Don’t Throw Caution to the Wind (Matthew Allen)
Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus (Paul Mowrer)

Be Still – Psalm 46 (Ken Weliever)
The Deliverer from Pestilence – Psalm 91 (Gary Fisher)
How to See through the Darkness – Psalm 143 (Ken Weliever)
A Psalm of Separation – Psalm 42 (Jim Jonas)
Psalm 146 (Ken Weliever)
Refuge (Ken Weliever)
Remember the Works of the Lord – Psalm 77 (Stan Cox)
Social Distancing, Not Spiritual Distancing (Ken Weliever)
Trust in the Mercy of God Forever – Psalm 52 (Stan Cox)
‘Until I Went into the Sanctuary of God’ – Psalm 73 (David Posey)
Wait on the Lord – Psalm 27 (Stan Cox)
Waiting (Ken Weliever)

Satan & Sin
Are You a Warrior? (Ken Weliever)
COVID-19, Sin and Satan (Rickie Jenkins)
A Health Warning (Frank Himmel)
The Most Contagious and Fatal of Diseases (Stan Cox)
The Pandemic of Sin (Jay Dixon)
The Parable of the Rich Hoarder (Matthew Bassford)
A Prayer for Our Nation (Chris Simmons)
Preparing for COVID-19 (Chris Simmons)
The Virus of Sin (Kevin Harrington)
An Invisible Enemy (Wayne Goff)
Wash Your Hands! (Wayne Goff)

In Times of Trouble (Sebastian Stroughter)
It Could Be Worse (Andrew Lemus)
On the Last Days (Don Hooton)

10 Tips for Online Worshipers (Ken Weliever)
Are We Putting God to the Test? (David Osteen)
Communion in the Present Distress (Don Hooton)
Forsaking the Assembling? (Josh Welch)
God’s View on ‘Missing Services’ (Paul Sheehan)
Have You ‘Canceled Worship’? (Doy Moyer)
Is It Wrong for Churches to Cancel Services? (Ken Weliever)
Is It Wrong to Observe the Lord’s Supper at Home? (Ken Weliever)
Live-Streaming of Worship Services (Greg Gwin)
The Responsibility That Few Want to Discuss (Stan Cox)
The Right to Come Together Again (Gary Fisher)
Shut the Doors or Leave Them Open? (Paul Blake)
Study to Show Yourself Approved (Brad Tolbert)
A Wake-Up Call to Fellowship (Doy Moyer)
We All Partake of One Bread (Jason Sage)
We Love Each Other (Jim Jonas)
We Need Each Other (Jim Jonas)
Virtual Worship (Randall Jarrell)
Virtual Worship (Ken Weliever)

The Stay-in-Place Weekday Touch Base
The Forum Terrace church of Christ in Grand Prairie, Texas, published a special daily bulletin during the coronavirus pandemic. Here are links to the individual issues written by evangelist Daniel Vess:
Each Loss Is Just Another Treasure in Heaven
Cabin Fever
What to Do When You Finally Park the Ark
Soul-Saving Jailbirds
Soul-Saving While under Lockdown
Did All Your Sins Go Down the Drain?
A Bad Habit: Do You Have It?
Surprising Discovery
Christians Are Starving to Death in America? (Part 1)
Christians Are Starving to Death in America (Part 2)?
One Another Commandments
Am I of Any Value?
Loving One’s Self
What to Do When You Have Extra Time on Your Hands?
“Well, It Could Be Worse”
How Many People Are Allowed in Heaven?
In Control in an Out-of-Control World
Ancient Ads Found in Egypt
How Well Do You Know the Bible?
Abraham, Father of the Faithful
Would You Give Up Eating Bacon?
Modeling Jesus
Lessons from an Alien Life Form
Praying in Song
Baby-Like Appetites
Love Made Perfect
White Must Be My Favorite Color
Leading the Blind
COVID-19 Is Saving Lives
Help Is Just a Prayer Away

Thought for the Day
The Centreville church of Christ in Northern Virginia (where the editor of Bible Study Page is a member) distributed a daily email message to its members during the coronavirus pandemic. Here are links to the individual issues written by evangelist/elder Jim Jonas:
Who Is in Control?
The Uncertainties of Life
A ‘Teachable’ Moment
Social Distancing
A ‘Learnable’ Moment
If the Lord Wills
A New Normal
The Lord’s Day
In Denial
We’re All in This Together
Preventive Measures
The Proverbial Rock and a Hard Place
The Present Distress
Our ‘Imaginary Friend’
Are We ‘Forsaking the Assembly’?
Moral Inconsistency
Taking Care of Each Other
Psalm 91
Is This the End?
Applying It to Our Lives
Does God Care?
Taking for Granted
Trust in Authority
Cultural Conditioning
What Day Is It?
Invisible Enemies
The Genuineness of Faith
Hitting the Wall
The Lord Is Always There
Feeding the Flame
Thank You for Our Food
Evolving Advice
A New Perspective on Church Buildings
A Risk-Averse Society
Cleaning out the Clutter
Was It Worth It?
Do the Rules Apply to Me?
Necessity: The Mother of Invention
The Touch of God
Smell the Roses
Dashed Hopes
Sloshing through the Pandemic
The Sanctity of Life
First World Problems
Contact Tracing
Pray, Comply and Resist
Taking a Mulligan
Building on the Rock
Never Say Never
Predictions and Prophecy
Feeling Useful
The Importance of Pain
The Plight of the Aged
Coronavirus Summary

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